
Attending Palau-Taiwan Travel Corridor Promotion Program

日期 : 30th March 2021

地點 : 台北市新光人壽保險摩天大樓 16樓 南側大廳
   16th Floor, South Hall, Shin Kong Life Insurance Tower, Taipei

現場歡迎帛琉總統惠恕仁(Surangel Whipps Jr.)與伉儷蒞臨及啟動【帛琉台灣旅遊泡泡—推介會】

Welcome to Palau's President Surangel Whipps Jr. and his wife to visit and
kick off the Palau-Taiwan travel bubble corridor.
Beside the opening ceremony, Palau Tourism Bureau also organized Travel Fair for travel agent
at the Asia Plaza Building nearby.


帛琉觀光局台灣辦事處 雷均代表分享帛琉觀光景點
Representative Mr. Alex Lei from Palau Tourism Bureau Taiwan Office shared Palau's sightseeing
included in the travel corridor.

(左4起) 帛琉觀光局台灣辦事處 雷均代表、外國駐台觀光代表聯合會 (ANTOR) 翁淑惠會長與ANTOR會員們合影
ANTOR members group photo with Mr. Alex Lei from Palau Tourism Bureau Taiwan Office and President of ANTOR.